
Integirls Tutoring Session

Our videos will help young students explore various mathematical concepts and build logical reasoning skills. It would make them think analytically by breaking down complex problems into manageable parts and arranging them systematically. We hope to embark on a journey to enrich student's mathematical knowledge and ~

Math Adventure

cryptomath teaching & activity(Integirls).MOV

Lesson 1. Cryptomath (Lecture & Activity)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang

geodesic dome teaching.MOV

Lesson 2. Geodesic Dome (Lecture)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang

geodesic dome demonstration (Integirls) .MOV

Lesson 3. Making Geodesic Dome (Activity)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang

Tessellation lecture.mov

Lesson 3-1. Tessellation (Lecture)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang

tessellation activity integirls.MOV

Lesson 3-2. Tessellation (Activity)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang


Lesson 4-1. Kapla (Lecture)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang

KAPLA 시연 인터걸.mov

Lesson 4-2. Kapla (Activity)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang

Integirl Math Adventure #5 Soma Cube.MOV

Lesson 5. Soma Cube (Lecture)

Presentation by Gyulim Jessica Kang